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- Mac, your Label menu will show
- If you press Option when
- Join a Mac users’ group!
- Views control panel and turn
- go away if you do these three:
- The golden rule: you can mix,
- later, you can drag an icon
- From an America Online
- printouts are temporarily
- that annoying Summary box?
- In System 7.1, you can have
- (no quotes) in your Note Pad,
- Drag-and-Drop feature? Note
- If it shimmers, it may be
- with a SCSI cable.
- TeachText. Double-click
- and control panels to load
- Is the Finder failing to
- Your monitor is probably
- Our publisher switched us to
- Mac if all the gadgets
- Here’s a good use
- back? No problem.
- and Fill Down
- When you click the Zoom Box,
- press Command-S at the
- If you have System 7.5.1 or
- cables. Use the light
- message to several recipients.
- in System 7. Use version 4.1
- In Progress
- This is Label Secret #35!
- when you hit the Power button?
- programmers’ sense
- Whenever you get one
- Ever wonder what this option
- This Label Secrets thing didn’t
- Virus checkers go CRAZY when
- Paste a bunch of rulers,
- type a backwards apostrophe,
- Hold down the Command
- trouble using OCR with a
- Aliases don’t work
- actually make a change. Once
- Any Claris program: Hold
- When your cursor is in a
- without changing any others,
- To add a keyboard shortcut
- were projects named Golden,
- (Option-q and Option-’). But
- If you want to prevent two
- annoying “text with layout“ or
- it should be, you may have some
- Yes, Label Secrets Pro has
- Word 5 document to another.
- Open Page Setup (File menu.)
- When you play Spectre, you
- PowerBook? That’s the PowerBook
- Option-click the title bar
- How to find empty records in
- arrowhead on anything (arc,
- In Microsoft programs and the
- When you’re creating fractions,
- Ever need to take a
- A function key is one of
- phrase. Use Option-hyphen for
- Press Option when choosing a
- cursor to area you want to zoom
- Controls control panel.
- tall, thin strip if you want.
- else in the house picks up the
- Need to design a screen that’s
- are almost exactly identical!
- the required program is on your
- The size of a space is
- The “Fast Save” option is nice,
- for feet and inches marks. So
- every morning? Use the
- utility program to partition
- • AppleTalk
- trouble reading some
- The Macintosh 128k, when it
- No trick today!
- For real! You can reclaim it,
- File Sharing is on. (It’s a
- beachball cursor — and then
- Just because you’re downloading
- Draw a new icon in a painting
- In Microsoft programs, you can
- Using the Find program
- program, you can paste or
- Until they invented it, you
- Do it right now! Turn the mouse
- The very, VERY first Mac,
- you’ve already ejected?
- You can erase two disks
- Type the first letter of an
- Launch Disinfectant (included
- Open the main QuicKeys
- In Adobe Photoshop, press
- there’s no better book than
- pressing Command and Shift,
- Eject the disk with the Eject
- an exclusive bonus that comes
- Here’s how to cheat at the
- From your Control Panels
- the original System 7.5
- If you have a Mac IIci, set the
- the mouse. Select a paragraph,
- on the numeric keypad) to jump
- you’ve most recently closed.
- Don’t you hate when the Mac
- When starting up, you can
- menus, using the Commands
- Apple menu! Have you tried
- have to wait for a full second
- You won’t believe how fast
- You can use PowerPCheck,
- Ever wonder why the one sound
- by a one-year, on-site repair
- control panel. Pre-System 7.5,
- leave the font selected for
- double-click any one of
- to keep changing the Mac’s
- System 7.5 Scrapbook, and
- it shows up as ordinary
- desk accessory. Open it, and
- Open your word processor. Use
- down, remember that you might
- It’s right there in the
- right now. Throw away
- Did you know you can copy
- of another one, combining
- graphics PICT file. Either
- Your color Mac will seem
- To do so, copy a stripped-
- word Mac unless it modifies
- David Pogue’s Mac techno-
- when you choose Finder from
- file sharing, make an alias of
- icon. Inside, you’ll see icons
- backed memory that stores the
- If you put a locked file into
- the Trash? There’s an easy
- Any time you open a folder
- Does it take longer to open
- that come from different disks
- These are basic, but great:
- If there are two Finder
- Put your monitor in 16-color
- number 10 before number 2!
- Ask a friend to double-click
- 7.5’s Shutdown program (in your
- A CD-ROM disc
- Press Command-Option-Right
- (Size, Date, Kind or Name),
- Up Arrow closes whatever
- No matter how many layers of
- Press Command-Option-
- be able to open the files. Open
- working, you can press
- To start up with a clean
- You can close all Finder
- the Finder. Now copy a lot of
- Whenever you’ve opened a
- snap to an invisible grid. Or,
- Click the desktop. Press Option
- arrange icons in the Icon or
- with two independent views of
- eject a floppy: select its
- Hold mouse down on the version
- aliases of them, and copy them
- name (use the Define Styles
- define one style to
- for items whose Kind contains
- ongoing projects there, and
- Pretty long. Try renaming it
- folder. Give it a name like
- paste into Word, for example),
- Once you have found some
- If you add and remove stuff
- Calculate Folder Sizes. Be
- the control panel). Now erase
- Hold down Option as you
- adjacent rows by
- just prevent extensions from
- Just open your Apple Menu Items
- connectors ($50 each) if you’re
- by a cheery sound recording
- the startup monitor (that shows
- slipping off your main one?
- You can name a file anything
- when the Mac is done starting
- Chances are darned good that
- screech when it’s connecting.
- telecom program and type ATSO=1
- Macintosh Secrets” are both
- thickness settings: one for
- disk drive. Command-Shift-2
- In the Finder, highlight a
- (from your System disks) has a
- who says “Welcome! You’ve
- or Save File dialog box, press
- a plain black box (letter b).
- name,” you no longer have to
- peeling, get a can of spray-on
- but you‘re not sure what!
- working on, use the Save As
- a more consistent transfer of
- map will scroll around the
- key will display a magnified
- Find button, over and over,
- menu, choose Stop Printing.
- using the Copy As Picture
- from an electronic bulletin
- some white space from a
- standard Open File or Save
- standard Open File or Save
- standard Open File or Save
- bar to the left until you can
- in a graphics program,
- using? Choose About This
- defragmenting software. Back up
- quotes (“”), turn on the “smart
- and click on the words “Sample
- feature, but it makes your
- disk? Maybe it’s being shared
- In the “FIND” blank, type
- Just press the Option
- neat secret. Name a movie
- Open your favorite graphic
- (1) Hold the Option key...
- working in the Finder without
- and you want to jump to
- program as a file-info
- them all off by pressing
- the startup screen in the
- items are locked.
- “Mac FAQs”
- acting up again? Open the
- “The Internet? I’ll tell you
- with weird symbols and
- software suite called
- Keep your hands relaxed
- with one Label. When you have
- Behold the mighty Enter
- answering machine?
- you can move text without
- Check your General Controls
- expanded folder to the
- testing,
- Don’t forget that you can
- command out of Word 6!
- far safer and more effective
- 2.6, you probably won’t have
- entire Fonts folder from the
- within a single cell! Just
- creepy built-in sound effect?
- start it up from its internal
- Bummer.
- Well, consider the initials
- cannot be found.”
- usually covered up by other
- Launch System 7.5’s Find
- of the same program, which
- If there’s only 1 of something
- In any Drag-and-Drop-savvy
- Either you’ve had “Mac
- sleep with a keystroke. Either
- Never turned anything in
- Each Apple StyleWriter driver
- But could somebody PLEASE
- Both the Map and the Date &
- prediction effects, try ending
- for one or two projects.
- Take 20 minutes out today
- If you don’t use Recent
- folder in the System folder.
- System folders on the same
- printer, don’t bother
- in one window. You want to
- SyQuest or Zip disks in your
- Clean Up from the Special
- Faxed -back info: 800-505-0171
- So. Your number keypad
- America Online is absolutely
- extension icons ARE?
- Your lithium battery is
- he’s having trouble when the
- You’ve certainly heard this
- Photoshop: (1) Choose the
- ENTIRE desktop with a
- secrets in this thing? We
- Then save one of each style